Acidity Treatment
Excess acid secretion by gastric glands in digestive system is
acidity. Heartburn and gas formation are major acidity symptoms. Body
produces acid to digest food we eat but most acid generation results
problem in digestive system. Various acidity symptoms are discussed
Acidity Symptoms
Burning sensation or stomach pain most noticed acidity symptoms.
Chest pain, inflammation in chest encircles acidity symptoms. Feeling
hungry frequently common acidity symptoms. Constant pain in upper
abdomen, belching well known acidity symptoms. General acidity symptoms
are nausea, bitter mouth taste, vomiting, coughing. Prolonged acidity
symptoms include respiratory problems, pain during muscular contractions
and pain in ears. These discussed acidity symptoms are very painful and
results by following acidity causes.
Acidity Causes
Stomach derangements lead to excess acid by gastric gland and
considered as main acidity causes. Medical conditions like
gastrointestinal reflux disease, ulcers acts important acidity causes.
Anxiety, stress is normal acidity causes. Hyperthyroidism, improper
salivation in the mouth or insomnia considered common acidity causes.
Lack of exercise, diet rich in fatty, fried, and spicy food are most
observed acidity causes. Excessive intake tea and coffee, alcohol,
smoking leads acidity causes.
Acidity Cure
Hashmi Unani Pharmacy developed best acidity cure is
Acikill capsules. Acidity cure helps in digestion by exerting
carminative, antispasmodic, antiflatulent and antacid actions. Our
acidity cure is natural digestive stimulant, increases digestion power.
Hashmi acidity cure enhances bile secretion and digestive
enzyme-stimulating actions. Acidity cure improves assimilation of
digested nutrients and relieves gaseous distension in digestive tract.
Hashmi developed acidity cure has unique herb combination that improves
digestive process, liver activity, gastric juice pH level.
Acikill Capsule considered as best acidity cure which aid digestion,
distressing stomach disorders safely and instantly. Acidity cure
indigestion, constipation, loss of appetite, heartburn, flatulence and
belching, reduce excessive secretion of acid from stomach. Advantages of
Acidity Cure
- Promotes Food Absorption.
- Helpful in Stomach Ache, Gas and Indigestion.
- Relieves Stomach Pain and Intestine Discomfort.
- Reduces Body Heat, Weight Naturally.
- Best Liver Toner.
- Restores Stomach and Intestinal Digestive Enzymes.
- Supports Heart and Lungs.
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